Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Fakin' It

I am a very straight-forward person. WYSIWYG. What You See Is What You Get!!! I understand the concept behind diplomacy and burning bridges but I feel that there is a line you MUST NOT cross or allow others to cross when it comes to social interactions and being "politely fake". If you try to battle out every issue you have with every person in your life, you'd live a very short and miserable life. Short coz you'd die earlier from all the arguements, stress and tension. But shouldn't there be some truth to your relationships with everyone around you? Is it that bad to express how you might feel about your friend's or family's words or actions?

NOT speaking your mind ALL THE TIME is a GREAT idea and I have learned that over the years. With age comes maturity (yes .. i'm a bit more mature now). Not EVERYTHING must be said and often times you think you know what you're saying and you think you mean to say what you're saying but more likely than not your emotions get the best of you and you end up saying things you regret later. So I guess I'm saying, its good to hold back sometimes.

What I don't get is how people ignore issues that bother them and act like best of friends or closest of families and pretend like everything's perfect? I can NEVER do that. I wish I could, especially when I really just don't care about the other person enough and would rather not show my emotions. Instead, it shows through me as clearly as anything through glass. Whether i'm mad or sad ... I can't be "normal" with the other person until my emotions are taken care of. So often, I end up being confrontational or confronted coz the other person knows CLEARLY that something is amiss. For me personally, I'd rather just Talk things out, Deal with the issue at hand, Let the other person know how I feel and Resolve things or Agree to Disagree.

I know that all sounds GREAT and it usually works out well too EXCEPT if you have to Agree to Disagree coz in that case not only has the issue NOT been resolved, things are out in the open and thoughts that you don't agree with have been shared. It just leaves both parties frustrated and the issue unresolved. I'd still rather be somewhat real than completely fake. Wouldn't you?

--Bulbuli =)

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