Saturday, January 21, 2012

18. Stop holding grudges

Stop holding grudges. – Don’t live your life with hate in your heart.  You will end up hurting yourself more than the people you hate.  Forgiveness is not saying, “What you did to me is okay.”  It is saying, “I’m not going to let what you did to me ruin my happiness forever.”  Forgiveness is the answer… let go, find peace, liberate yourself!  And remember, forgiveness is not just for other people, it’s for you too.  If you must, forgive yourself, move on and try to do better next time.

I know this is true but it is SO HARD TO DO.  I can forgive people to a certain extent but it is definitely hard for me to forget things.  I'm going to have to try to work very hard on that one. 

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